Saturday, 15 May 2010

floor tiles almost done

Floor tiling is basically all done, except for the base of the shower.

Above is the flooring in the bike/computer room (I need to think of a better name for this room. It was the 2nd and 3rd bedroom, but now they're combined, and I don't want to call it the 2nd bedroom because it's not a bedroom at all! It will be for the bikes, computer and a wardrobe. Multipurpose room? Sounds like a hall at school. Spare room? Not really, because if it was spare that seems to imply it's not really used for anything. Hmmm, will have to keep thinking. Suggestions, anyone?)

The bottom of our front door has been chopped off, to allow for the thick tiles. We of course are getting a new front door, in case you were concerned. I love that Kiera was poking her head under the door when I took the photo! And here's another of Kiera licking some wires in the hall! She is currently laying next to me on the couch making me scratch her belly as I type!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could call it the sunroom or the annexe :)
